Ken Kaminesky

I began looking at different Travel Photographers who have made a successful career from this industry. One photographer that really stood out to me was Ken Kaminesky ( his work was very eye catching and the colours and angles he has captured really stood out to me. Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 11.12.41 Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 11.12.52 Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 11.13.17Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 11.15.06

These are some examples of his website and the type of imagery he has taken. There is a huge variety of imagery from across the world. He has a video on his website that tells us a bit his working style and what he does as a travel photographer.

He has also done numerous of interviews with different magazines and he goes into detail on how he has got to the position he has today within the travel photography industry.
In this article he speaks about what Travel photography is all about, it’s not a field that you enter in to gain lots of money but it is about passion for travelling, seeing new places and learning new cultures and taking photographs that tell a story. He speaks about some of the mistakes that he made and that he recommends others. One being don’t rest all of your time and energy on one client that will bring in 90% of your income as if and when they cancel your contracts then you will be left with no income. Diversity is the key as your income will be spread over a variety of clients so it one cancels a contact you will still have other means to income.
There are other outlets in Travel photography that will help you make money. Some of these are:

  • Commercial and Editorial Shoots
  • Running Photography Tours
  • Corporate Sponsorship
  • Consulting
  • Public Speaking
  • Large Format Print Sales
  • Photo Licensing

Some of the advice that he gives in this article for aspiring travel photographers is to take business classes, business is a huge part of being a travel photographer. It isn’t just about taking the photographers but making a brand for yourself so that people remember you and your work. Social Media is always a good way to make the public known to your work, by constant blogging this starts to get you and your work noticed more. Planning is the key, this is where you are travelling to and what photographs you want to take on the way. You need to find the location you want to shoot at try and find the best perspective and then consider what light would work the best, you have sunrise and sunset the two golden hours and you also have 2 blue hours that provide great light. Ken suggests that if you are planning to shoot in the day then working on interior shots are better for this time of day. Less is more, clients want to see 3 amazing photographs instead of 100 photographs that don’t meet the same criteria, taking the time on the photographs you do take is more successful than having a larger variety, that aren’t so impressive.
Ken defines his work as ‘capturing the big picture of travel icons, natural wonders, architectural marvels and above all, places with a story’. He speaks more in this article about how he developed his work through networking and creating connections. The way he shoots is through HDR, he can take several photographs and bring them all together to make sure they get the colour range and depth in each and every photograph. By taking long exposures you can use a small aperture to capture greater detail and you still get the colours and movement of clouds and water in the photograph.

This page goes to his about me on his website which lists a variety of more articles that he has been featured in.

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